Acid Chicken (硫酸鶏) 7dbf873a2f
refactor: deprecate i18n.t
2024-01-20 02:11:11 +09:00

287 lines
7.6 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import type { ILocale, ParameterizedString } from '../../../../locales/index.js';
type FlattenKeys<T extends ILocale, TPrediction> = keyof {
[K in keyof T as T[K] extends ILocale
? FlattenKeys<T[K], TPrediction> extends infer C extends string
? `${K & string}.${C}`
: never
: T[K] extends TPrediction
? K
: never]: T[K];
type ParametersOf<T extends ILocale, TKey extends FlattenKeys<T, ParameterizedString>> = TKey extends `${infer K}.${infer C}`
// @ts-expect-error -- C は明らかに FlattenKeys<T[K], ParameterizedString> になるが、型システムはここでは TKey がドット区切りであることのコンテキストを持たないので、型システムに合法にて示すことはできない。
? ParametersOf<T[K], C>
: TKey extends keyof T
? T[TKey] extends ParameterizedString<infer P>
? P
: never
: never;
type Tsx<T extends ILocale> = {
readonly [K in keyof T as T[K] extends string ? never : K]: T[K] extends ParameterizedString<string, infer P>
? (...args: P) => string
// @ts-expect-error -- 証明省略
: Tsx<T[K]>;
export class I18n<T extends ILocale> {
private tsxCache?: Tsx<T>;
constructor(public locale: T) {
//#region BIND
this.t = this.t.bind(this);
public get ts(): T {
if (_DEV_) {
class Handler<TTarget extends ILocale> implements ProxyHandler<TTarget> {
get(target: TTarget, p: string | symbol): unknown {
const value = target[p as keyof TTarget];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
return new Proxy(value, new Handler<TTarget[keyof TTarget] & ILocale>());
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const parameters = Array.from(value.matchAll(/\{(\w+)\}/g), ([, parameter]) => parameter);
if (parameters.length) {
console.error(`Missing locale parameters: ${parameters.join(', ')} at ${String(p)}`);
return value;
console.error(`Unexpected locale key: ${String(p)}`);
return p;
return new Proxy(this.locale, new Handler());
return this.locale;
public get tsx(): Tsx<T> {
if (_DEV_) {
if (this.tsxCache) {
return this.tsxCache;
class Handler<TTarget extends ILocale> implements ProxyHandler<TTarget> {
get(target: TTarget, p: string | symbol): unknown {
const value = target[p as keyof TTarget];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
return new Proxy(value, new Handler<TTarget[keyof TTarget] & ILocale>());
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const template: string[] = [];
let cursor = 0;
while (~cursor) {
const start = value.indexOf('{', cursor);
if (!~start) {
template.push(value.slice(cursor, start));
cursor = value.indexOf('}', start) + 1;
if (!template.length) {
console.error(`Unexpected locale key: ${String(p)}`);
return () => value;
return (...args) => {
if (args.length !== template.length - 1) {
console.error(`Mismatched locale parameters: ${String(p)}`);
args.length = template.length - 1;
let str = template[0];
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
str += args[i] + template[i + 1];
return str;
console.error(`Unexpected locale key: ${String(p)}`);
return p;
return this.tsxCache = new Proxy(this.locale, new Handler()) as unknown as Tsx<T>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
if (this.tsxCache) {
return this.tsxCache;
function build(target: ILocale): Tsx<T> {
const result = {} as Tsx<T>;
for (const k in target) {
if (!Object.hasOwn(target, k)) {
const value = target[k as keyof typeof target];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
result[k] = build(value as ILocale);
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
const template: string[] = [];
let cursor = 0;
while (~cursor) {
const start = value.indexOf('{', cursor);
if (!~start) {
template.push(value.slice(cursor, start));
cursor = value.indexOf('}', start);
if (!template.length) {
result[k] = (...args) => {
args.length = template.length - 1;
let str = template[0];
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
str += args[i] + template[i + 1];
return str;
return result;
return this.tsxCache = build(this.locale);
* @deprecated なるべくこのメソッド使うよりも ts 直接参照の方が vue のキャッシュ効いてパフォーマンスが良いかも
public t<TKey extends FlattenKeys<T, string>>(key: TKey): string;
* @deprecated なるべくこのメソッド使うよりも tsx 直接参照の方が vue のキャッシュ効いてパフォーマンスが良いかも
public t<TKey extends FlattenKeys<T, ParameterizedString>>(key: TKey, args: { readonly [_ in ParametersOf<T, TKey>]: string | number }): string;
public t(key: string, args?: { readonly [_: string]: string | number }) {
let str: string | ParameterizedString | ILocale = this.locale;
for (const k of key.split('.')) {
str = str[k];
if (_DEV_) {
if (typeof str === 'undefined') {
console.error(`Unexpected locale key: ${key}`);
return key;
if (args) {
if (_DEV_) {
const missing = Array.from((str as string).matchAll(/\{(\w+)\}/g), ([, parameter]) => parameter).filter(parameter => !Object.hasOwn(args, parameter));
if (missing.length) {
console.error(`Missing locale parameters: ${missing.join(', ')} at ${key}`);
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(args)) {
const search = `{${k}}`;
if (_DEV_) {
if (!(str as string).includes(search)) {
console.error(`Unexpected locale parameter: ${k} at ${key}`);
str = (str as string).replace(search, v.toString());
return str;
if (import.meta.vitest) {
const { describe, expect, it } = import.meta.vitest;
describe('i18n', () => {
it('t', () => {
const i18n = new I18n({
foo: 'foo',
bar: {
baz: 'baz',
qux: 'qux {0}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0', [_0: string | number]>,
quux: 'quux {0} {1}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0' | '1', [_0: string | number, _1: string | number]>,
expect(i18n.t('bar.qux', { 0: 'hoge' })).toBe('qux hoge');
expect(i18n.t('bar.quux', { 0: 'hoge', 1: 'fuga' })).toBe('quux hoge fuga');
it('ts', () => {
const i18n = new I18n({
foo: 'foo',
bar: {
baz: 'baz',
qux: 'qux {0}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0', [_0: string | number]>,
quux: 'quux {0} {1}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0' | '1', [_0: string | number, _1: string | number]>,
it('tsx', () => {
const i18n = new I18n({
foo: 'foo',
bar: {
baz: 'baz',
qux: 'qux {0}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0', [_0: string | number]>,
quux: 'quux {0} {1}' as unknown as ParameterizedString<'0' | '1', [_0: string | number, _1: string | number]>,
expect(i18n.tsx.bar.qux('hoge')).toBe('qux hoge');
expect(i18n.tsx.bar.quux('hoge', 'fuga')).toBe('quux hoge fuga');