* build(#10336): init
* fix(#10336): invalid name conversion
* build(#10336): load locales and vite config
* refactor(#10336): remove unused imports
* build(#10336): separate definitions and generated codes
* refactor(#10336): remove hatches
* refactor(#10336): module semantics
* refactor(#10336): remove unused common preferences
* fix: typo
* build(#10336): mock assets
* build(#10336): impl `SatisfiesExpression`
* build(#10336): control themes
* refactor(#10336): semantics
* build(#10336): make .storybook as an individual TypeScript project
* style(#10336): use single quote
* build(#10336): avoid intrinsic component names
* chore: suppress linter
* style: typing
* build(#10336): update dependencies
* docs: note about Storybook
* build(#10336): sync
* build(#10336): full reload server on change
* chore: use defaultStore instead
* build(#10336): show popups on Story
* refactor(#10336): remove redundant div
* docs: fix
* build(#10336): interactions
* build(#10336): add an interaction test for `<MkA/>`
* build(#10336): bump storybook
* docs(#10336): mention to pre-build misskey-js
* build(#10336): write stories for `MkAcct`
* build(#10336): write stories for `MkAd`
* build(#10336): fix missing type definition
* build(#10336): use `toHaveTextContent`
* build(#10336): write some stories
* build(#10336): hide internal args
* build(#10336): generate `components/global` stories only
* build(#10336): write stories for `MkMisskeyFlavoredMarkdown`
* fix: conflict errors
* build(#10336): subcomponents on sidebar
* refactor: restore `SatisfiesExpression`
* docs(#10336): note development status
* build(#10336): use chokidar-cli
* docs(#10336): note chokidar-cli mode
* chore(#10336): untrack generated stories files
* fix: pointer handling
* build(#10336): finalize
* chore: add static option to `MkLoading`
* refactor(#10336): bind to local args
* fix: missing case
* revert: restore `SatisfiesExpression`
This reverts commit f246699f38
* build(#10336): make storybook buildable
* build(#10336): staticify assets
* build(#10336): staticified directory structure
* build(#10336): normalize path for Windows
* ci(#10336): create actions
* build(#10336): ignore tsc errors
* build(#10336): ignore tsc errors
* build(#10336): missing dependencies
* build(#10336): missing dependencies
* build(#10336): use fast-glob
* fix: invalid lockfile
* ci(#10336): increase heap size
* build(#10336): use unpkg for storybook tabler icons
* build(#10336): use unpkg for storybook twemojis
* build(#10336): disable `ProfilePageCat`
* build(#10336): blur `MkA` before interaction ends
* ci(#10336): stabilize
* ci(#10336): fetch-depth
* build(#10336): isChromatic
* ci(#10336): notify on changes
* ci(#10336): fix typo
* ci(#10336): missing working directory
* ci(#10336): skip build
* ci(#10336): fix path
* build(#10336): fails on Windows
* build(#10336): available on Windows
* ci(#10336): disable animation on chromatic
* ci(#10336): add static option to `PageHeader.tabs`
* chore: void
* ci(#10336): change parameters
* docs(#10336): update CONTRIBUTING
* docs(#10336): note about meta overriding and etc.
* ci(#10336): use Chromatic for checks
* ci(#10336): use `pull_request` instead of `pull_request_target` for now
* ci(#10336): use `exitOnceUploaded`
* ci(#10336): reuse built storybook
* ci(#10336): back to `pull_request_target`
* chore: unused dependencies
* style(#10336): reduce prettier indents
* style: note about `TSSatisfiesExpression`
140 lines
4.6 KiB
140 lines
4.6 KiB
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