feat: 投稿フォームに下書きを適用できるように

This commit is contained in:
yukineko 2024-04-18 19:00:11 +09:00 committed by mattyatea
parent 07ebc6e5e1
commit d564bd73bc
2 changed files with 158 additions and 143 deletions

View file

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<span :class="$style.headerRightButtonText">{{ channel.name }}</span>
<button v-click-anime v-tooltip="i18n.ts.drafts" class="_button" :class="$style.headerRightItem" @click="chooseDraft"><i class="ti ti-note"></i></button>
<button v-click-anime v-tooltip="i18n.ts._visibility.disableFederation" class="_button" :class="[$style.headerRightItem, { [$style.danger]: localOnly }]" :disabled="channel != null || visibility === 'specified'" @click="toggleLocalOnly">
<span v-if="!localOnly"><i class="ti ti-rocket"></i></span>
<span v-else><i class="ti ti-rocket-off"></i></span>
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ import { extractMentions } from '@/scripts/extract-mentions.js';
import { formatTimeString } from '@/scripts/format-time-string.js';
import { Autocomplete } from '@/scripts/autocomplete.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import * as noteDrafts from '@/scripts/note-drafts.js';
import { misskeyApi } from '@/scripts/misskey-api.js';
import { selectFiles } from '@/scripts/select-file.js';
import { dateTimeFormat } from '@/scripts/intl-const.js';
@ -197,6 +199,8 @@ let schedule = ref<{
scheduledAt: string | null;
}| null>(null);
const useCw = ref<boolean>(!!props.initialCw);
const renote = ref(props.renote);
const reply = ref(props.reply);
const showPreview = ref(defaultStore.state.showPreview);
watch(showPreview, () => defaultStore.set('showPreview', showPreview.value));
const showAddMfmFunction = ref(defaultStore.state.enableQuickAddMfmFunction);
@ -219,24 +223,19 @@ const imeText = ref('');
const showingOptions = ref(false);
const textAreaReadOnly = ref(false);
const draftKey = computed((): string => {
let key = props.channel ? `channel:${props.channel.id}` : '';
if (props.renote) {
key += `renote:${props.renote.id}`;
} else if (props.reply) {
key += `reply:${props.reply.id}`;
} else {
key += `note:${$i.id}`;
return key;
const draftType = computed(() => {
if (props.channel) return 'channel';
if (renote.value) return 'quote';
if (reply.value) return 'reply';
return 'note';
const draftAuxId = computed<string | null>(() => props.channel ? props.channel.id : renote.value ? renote.value.id : reply.value ? reply.value.id : null);
const placeholder = computed((): string => {
if (props.renote) {
if (renote.value) {
return i18n.ts._postForm.quotePlaceholder;
} else if (props.reply) {
} else if (reply.value) {
return i18n.ts._postForm.replyPlaceholder;
} else if (props.channel) {
return i18n.ts._postForm.channelPlaceholder;
@ -254,9 +253,9 @@ const placeholder = computed((): string => {
const submitText = computed((): string => {
return props.renote
return renote.value
? i18n.ts.quote
: props.reply
: reply.value
? i18n.ts.reply
: schedule.value
? i18n.ts._schedulePost.addSchedule
@ -273,13 +272,7 @@ const maxTextLength = computed((): number => {
const canPost = computed((): boolean => {
return !props.mock && !posting.value && !posted.value &&
1 <= textLength.value ||
1 <= files.value.length ||
poll.value != null ||
props.renote != null ||
(props.reply != null && quoteId.value != null)
) &&
(1 <= textLength.value || 1 <= files.value.length || !!poll.value || !!renote.value) &&
(textLength.value <= maxTextLength.value) &&
(!poll.value || poll.value.choices.length >= 2);
@ -313,18 +306,19 @@ watch(visibleUsers, () => {
deep: true,
function initialize() {
if (props.mention) {
text.value = props.mention.host ? `@${props.mention.username}@${toASCII(props.mention.host)}` : `@${props.mention.username}`;
text.value += ' ';
if (props.reply && (props.reply.user.username !== $i.username || (props.reply.user.host != null && props.reply.user.host !== host))) {
text.value = `@${props.reply.user.username}${props.reply.user.host != null ? '@' + toASCII(props.reply.user.host) : ''} `;
if (reply.value && (reply.value.user.username !== $i.username || (reply.value.user.host != null && reply.value.user.host !== host))) {
text.value = `@${reply.value.user.username}${reply.value.user.host != null ? '@' + toASCII(reply.value.user.host) : ''} `;
if (props.reply && props.reply.text != null) {
const ast = mfm.parse(props.reply.text);
const otherHost = props.reply.user.host;
if (reply.value && reply.value.text != null) {
const ast = mfm.parse(reply.value.text);
const otherHost = reply.value.user.host;
for (const x of extractMentions(ast)) {
const mention = x.host ?
@ -353,26 +347,26 @@ if (props.channel) {
if (props.reply && ['home', 'followers', 'specified'].includes(props.reply.visibility)) {
if (props.reply.visibility === 'home' && visibility.value === 'followers') {
if (reply.value && ['home', 'followers', 'specified'].includes(reply.value.visibility)) {
if (reply.value.visibility === 'home' && visibility.value === 'followers') {
visibility.value = 'followers';
} else if (['home', 'followers'].includes(props.reply.visibility) && visibility.value === 'specified') {
} else if (['home', 'followers'].includes(reply.value.visibility) && visibility.value === 'specified') {
visibility.value = 'specified';
} else {
visibility.value = props.reply.visibility;
visibility.value = reply.value.visibility;
if (visibility.value === 'specified') {
if (props.reply.visibleUserIds) {
if (reply.value.visibleUserIds) {
misskeyApi('users/show', {
userIds: props.reply.visibleUserIds.filter(uid => uid !== $i.id && uid !== props.reply?.userId),
userIds: reply.value.visibleUserIds.filter(uid => uid !== $i.id && uid !== reply.value?.userId),
}).then(users => {
if (props.reply.userId !== $i.id) {
misskeyApi('users/show', { userId: props.reply.userId }).then(user => {
if (reply.value.userId !== $i.id) {
misskeyApi('users/show', { userId: reply.value.userId }).then(user => {
@ -385,10 +379,13 @@ if (props.specified) {
// keep cw when reply
if (defaultStore.state.keepCw && props.reply && props.reply.cw) {
if (defaultStore.state.keepCw && reply.value && reply.value.cw) {
useCw.value = true;
cw.value = props.reply.cw;
cw.value = reply.value.cw;
function watchForDraft() {
watch(text, () => saveDraft());
@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ function setVisibility() {
currentVisibility: visibility.value,
isSilenced: $i.isSilenced, localOnly: localOnly.value,
src: visibilityButton.value,
...(props.reply ? { isReplyVisibilitySpecified: props.reply.visibility === 'specified' } : {}),
...(reply.value ? { isReplyVisibilitySpecified: reply.value.visibility === 'specified' } : {}),
}, {
changeVisibility: v => {
visibility.value = v;
@ -635,7 +632,7 @@ async function onPaste(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
const paste = ev.clipboardData.getData('text');
if (!props.renote && !quoteId.value && paste.startsWith(url + '/notes/')) {
if (!renote.value && !quoteId.value && paste.startsWith(url + '/notes/')) {
@ -706,14 +703,15 @@ function onDrop(ev: DragEvent): void {
function saveDraft() {
function saveDraft(auto = true) {
if (props.instant || props.mock) return;
const draftData = JSON.parse(miLocalStorage.getItem('drafts') ?? '{}');
if (!auto) {
noteDrafts.remove(draftType.value, $i.id, 'default', draftAuxId.value as string);
draftData[draftKey.value] = {
updatedAt: new Date(),
data: {
noteDrafts.set(draftType.value, $i.id, auto ? 'default' : Date.now().toString(), {
text: text.value,
useCw: useCw.value,
cw: cw.value,
@ -722,18 +720,56 @@ function saveDraft() {
files: files.value,
poll: poll.value,
visibleUserIds: visibility.value === 'specified' ? visibleUsers.value.map(x => x.id) : undefined,
miLocalStorage.setItem('drafts', JSON.stringify(draftData));
}, draftAuxId.value as string);
function deleteDraft() {
const draftData = JSON.parse(miLocalStorage.getItem('drafts') ?? '{}');
noteDrafts.remove(draftType.value, $i.id, 'default', draftAuxId.value as string);
delete draftData[draftKey.value];
function chooseDraft() {
os.popup(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/MkPostFormDrafts.vue')), {
channelId: props.channel?.id,
}, {
selected: async (res) => {
const draft = await res as noteDrafts.NoteDraft;
}, 'closed');
miLocalStorage.setItem('drafts', JSON.stringify(draftData));
async function applyDraft(draft: noteDrafts.NoteDraft, native = false) {
if (!native) {
switch (draft.type) {
case 'quote': {
await os.apiWithDialog('notes/show', { noteId: draft.auxId as string }).then(note => {
renote.value = note;
case 'reply': {
await os.apiWithDialog('notes/show', { noteId: draft.auxId as string }).then(note => {
reply.value = note;
text.value = draft.data.text;
useCw.value = draft.data.useCw;
cw.value = draft.data.cw;
visibility.value = draft.data.visibility;
localOnly.value = draft.data.localOnly;
files.value = (draft.data.files || []).filter(draftFile => draftFile);
if (draft.data.poll) {
poll.value = draft.data.poll;
if (draft.data.scheduledNoteDelete) {
scheduledNoteDelete.value = draft.data.scheduledNoteDelete;
async function post(ev?: MouseEvent) {
@ -788,8 +824,8 @@ async function post(ev?: MouseEvent) {
let postData = {
text: text.value === '' ? null : text.value,
fileIds: files.value.length > 0 ? files.value.map(f => f.id) : undefined,
replyId: props.reply ? props.reply.id : undefined,
renoteId: props.renote ? props.renote.id : quoteId.value ? quoteId.value : undefined,
replyId: reply.value ? reply.value.id : undefined,
renoteId: renote.value ? renote.value.id : quoteId.value ? quoteId.value : undefined,
channelId: props.channel ? props.channel.id : undefined,
schedule: schedule.value,
poll: poll.value,
@ -887,7 +923,7 @@ async function post(ev?: MouseEvent) {
if (props.renote && (props.renote.userId === $i.id) && text.length > 0) {
if (renote.value && (renote.value.userId === $i.id) && text.length > 0) {
@ -1033,30 +1069,13 @@ onMounted(() => {
if (cwInputEl.value) new Autocomplete(cwInputEl.value, cw);
if (hashtagsInputEl.value) new Autocomplete(hashtagsInputEl.value, hashtags);
nextTick(() => {
nextTick(async () => {
await noteDrafts.migrate($i.id);
// 稿
if (!props.instant && !props.mention && !props.specified && !props.mock) {
const draft = JSON.parse(miLocalStorage.getItem('drafts') ?? '{}')[draftKey.value];
if (draft) {
text.value = draft.data.text;
useCw.value = draft.data.useCw;
cw.value = draft.data.cw;
visibility.value = draft.data.visibility;
localOnly.value = draft.data.localOnly;
files.value = (draft.data.files || []).filter(draftFile => draftFile);
if (draft.data.poll) {
poll.value = draft.data.poll;
if (draft.data.visibleUserIds) {
misskeyApi('users/show', { userIds: draft.data.visibleUserIds }).then(users => {
for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
if (users[i].id === draft.data.visibleUserIds[i]) {
if (!props.instant && !props.mention && !props.specified && !props.mock && !defaultStore.state.disableNoteDrafting) {
const draft = await noteDrafts.get(draftType.value, $i.id, 'default', draftAuxId.value as string);
if (draft) applyDraft(draft, true);

View file

@ -90,10 +90,6 @@ export const defaultStore = markRaw(new Storage('base', {
where: 'account',
default: true,
rememberNoteVisibility: {
where: 'account',
default: false,
defaultNoteVisibility: {
where: 'account',
default: 'public' as (typeof Misskey.noteVisibilities)[number],