diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index f60832cbac..423642a2f6 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -489,15 +489,32 @@ common/views/components/user-menu.vue:
   vote-to: "Vote for '{}'"
   vote-count: "{} votes"
+  total-votes: "{} votes in total"
   vote: "Vote"
   show-result: "Show results"
   voted: "Voted"
+  closed: "Ended"
+  remaining-days: "{d} days, {h} hours remain"
+  remaining-hours: "{h} hours, and {m} minutes remain"
+  remaining-minutes: "{m} minutes, and {s} seconds remaining"
+  remaining-seconds: "{s} seconds remaining"
   no-only-one-choice: "At least two choices are required"
   choice-n: "Choice {}"
   remove: "Delete the choice"
   add: "+ Add a choice"
   destroy: "Discard the poll"
+  multiple: "More than one answer is allowed"
+  expiration: "Valid until"
+  infinite: "Indefinite"
+  at: "Date and time pick"
+  no-more: "You cannot add any more"
+  deadline-date: "Finish date"
+  interval: "Duration"
+  unit: "Unit"
+  second: "Seconds"
+  minute: "Minutes"
+  hour: "Hours"
   day: "S"
   choose-reaction: "Send a reaction"
diff --git a/locales/ko-KR.yml b/locales/ko-KR.yml
index 203db10ada..c17ff571fb 100644
--- a/locales/ko-KR.yml
+++ b/locales/ko-KR.yml
@@ -489,15 +489,34 @@ common/views/components/user-menu.vue:
   vote-to: "\"{}\"에 투표하기"
   vote-count: "{}표"
+  total-votes: "총 {}표"
   vote: "투표하기"
   show-result: "결과 보기"
   voted: "투표함"
+  closed: "종료됨"
+  remaining-days: "종료까지 앞으로 {d}일 {h}시간"
+  remaining-hours: "종료까지 앞으로 {h}시간 {m}분"
+  remaining-minutes: "종료까지 앞으로 {m}분 {s}초"
+  remaining-seconds: "종료까지 앞으로 {s}초"
   no-only-one-choice: "투표에는 선택지가 최소한 두 개 필요합니다"
   choice-n: "선택지 {}"
   remove: "이 선택지를 제거"
   add: "+선택지 추가"
   destroy: "투표 제거"
+  multiple: "복수 응답 가능"
+  expiration: "기한"
+  infinite: "무기한"
+  at: "일시 지정"
+  after: "기간 지정"
+  no-more: "더 이상 추가할 수 없습니다"
+  deadline-date: "기한"
+  deadline-time: "시간"
+  interval: "기간"
+  unit: "단위"
+  second: "초"
+  minute: "분"
+  hour: "시간"
   day: "일"
   choose-reaction: "반응 선택"
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.yml b/locales/zh-CN.yml
index 124a046000..d2e4a2dc8c 100644
--- a/locales/zh-CN.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-CN.yml
@@ -489,15 +489,34 @@ common/views/components/user-menu.vue:
   vote-to: "为\"{}\"投票"
   vote-count: "{}票"
+  total-votes: "总票数{}"
   vote: "投票"
   show-result: "显示结果"
   voted: "已投票"
+  closed: "已截止"
+  remaining-days: "{d}天{h}小时后截止"
+  remaining-hours: "{h}小时{m}分后截止"
+  remaining-minutes: "{m}分{s}秒后截止"
+  remaining-seconds: "{s}秒后截止"
   no-only-one-choice: "至少选择两个选项"
   choice-n: "选择{}"
   remove: "删除选项"
   add: "+添加一个选项"
   destroy: "放弃投票"
+  multiple: "允许多个投票"
+  expiration: "截止时间"
+  infinite: "永久"
+  at: "指定日期"
+  after: "指定时间"
+  no-more: "最多只能添加十个回答"
+  deadline-date: "日期"
+  deadline-time: "时间"
+  interval: "时长"
+  unit: "单位"
+  second: "秒"
+  minute: "分"
+  hour: "小时"
   day: "日"
   choose-reaction: "选择回应"
diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.yml b/locales/zh-TW.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed97d539c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@