diff --git a/locales/en.yml b/locales/en.yml
index 86b0382a64..2d7c97d7f4 100644
--- a/locales/en.yml
+++ b/locales/en.yml
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ common/views/components/connect-failed.troubleshooter.vue:
   no-network-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the Network."
   no-internet: "There is no Internet connection"
   no-internet-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the Internet."
-  no-server: "Unable to connect to the server"
-  no-server-desc: "The network connection of your PC is normal, but you could not connect to Misskey's server. There is a possibility that the server is either down or under maintenance, please try again later."
-  success: "Successfully connected to Misskey's server"
+  no-server: "Unable to connect to the Misskey server"
+  no-server-desc: "The network connection of your PC is normal, but you could not connect to the Misskey server. There is a possibility that the server is either down or under maintenance, please try again later."
+  success: "Successfully connected to the Misskey server"
   success-desc: "It seems to be able to connect. Please reload the page."
   flush: "Clean cache"
   set-version: "Specify version"
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.vue:
   update-checking: "Checking for updates"
   do-update: "Check for update"
   update-settings: "Advanced settings"
-  prevent-update: "アップデートを延期する(非推奨)"
+  prevent-update: "Postpone updates (not recommended)"
   prevent-update-desc: "You may reflect updates even if you select this setting. This setting is valid only this device."
   no-updates: "No updates available"
   no-updates-desc: "Your Misskey is up to date."