diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 90a80cdad3..b604c75f9c 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
 		"markdown-it": "12.0.4",
 		"markdown-it-anchor": "7.1.0",
 		"matter-js": "0.16.1",
+		"mfm-js": "0.12.0",
 		"mocha": "8.3.2",
 		"moji": "0.5.1",
 		"ms": "2.1.3",
@@ -190,7 +191,6 @@
 		"object-assign-deep": "0.4.0",
 		"os-utils": "0.0.14",
 		"parse5": "6.0.1",
-		"parsimmon": "1.16.0",
 		"pg": "8.5.1",
 		"portscanner": "2.2.0",
 		"postcss": "8.2.8",
diff --git a/src/client/components/mfm.ts b/src/client/components/mfm.ts
index 28ac9b8942..b8e948a188 100644
--- a/src/client/components/mfm.ts
+++ b/src/client/components/mfm.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import { VNode, defineComponent, h } from 'vue';
-import { MfmForest } from '@client/../mfm/prelude';
-import { parse, parsePlain } from '@client/../mfm/parse';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import MkUrl from '@client/components/global/url.vue';
 import MkLink from '@client/components/link.vue';
 import MkMention from '@client/components/mention.vue';
@@ -46,17 +45,17 @@ export default defineComponent({
 	render() {
 		if (this.text == null || this.text == '') return;
-		const ast = (this.plain ? parsePlain : parse)(this.text);
+		const ast = (this.plain ? mfm.parsePlain : mfm.parse)(this.text);
 		const validTime = (t: string | null | undefined) => {
 			if (t == null) return null;
 			return t.match(/^[0-9.]+s$/) ? t : null;
-		const genEl = (ast: MfmForest) => concat(ast.map((token): VNode[] => {
-			switch (token.node.type) {
+		const genEl = (ast: mfm.MfmNode[]) => concat(ast.map((token): VNode[] => {
+			switch (token.type) {
 				case 'text': {
-					const text = token.node.props.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n');
+					const text = token.props.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n');
 					if (!this.plain) {
 						const x = text.split('\n')
@@ -83,38 +82,38 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'fn': {
-					// TODO: CSSを文字列で組み立てていくと token.node.props.args.~~~ 経由でCSSインジェクションできるのでよしなにやる
+					// TODO: CSSを文字列で組み立てていくと token.props.args.~~~ 経由でCSSインジェクションできるのでよしなにやる
 					let style;
-					switch (token.node.props.name) {
+					switch (token.props.name) {
 						case 'tada': {
 							style = `font-size: 150%;` + (this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? 'animation: tada 1s linear infinite both;' : '');
 						case 'jelly': {
-							const speed = validTime(token.node.props.args.speed) || '1s';
+							const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1s';
 							style = (this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-rubberBand ${speed} linear infinite both;` : '');
 						case 'twitch': {
-							const speed = validTime(token.node.props.args.speed) || '0.5s';
+							const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s';
 							style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-twitch ${speed} ease infinite;` : '';
 						case 'shake': {
-							const speed = validTime(token.node.props.args.speed) || '0.5s';
+							const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s';
 							style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-shake ${speed} ease infinite;` : '';
 						case 'spin': {
 							const direction =
-								token.node.props.args.left ? 'reverse' :
-								token.node.props.args.alternate ? 'alternate' :
+								token.props.args.left ? 'reverse' :
+								token.props.args.alternate ? 'alternate' :
 							const anime =
-								token.node.props.args.x ? 'mfm-spinX' :
-								token.node.props.args.y ? 'mfm-spinY' :
+								token.props.args.x ? 'mfm-spinX' :
+								token.props.args.y ? 'mfm-spinY' :
-							const speed = validTime(token.node.props.args.speed) || '1.5s';
+							const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1.5s';
 							style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: ${anime} ${speed} linear infinite; animation-direction: ${direction};` : '';
@@ -128,8 +127,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
 						case 'flip': {
 							const transform =
-								(token.node.props.args.h && token.node.props.args.v) ? 'scale(-1, -1)' :
-								token.node.props.args.v ? 'scaleY(-1)' :
+								(token.props.args.h && token.props.args.v) ? 'scale(-1, -1)' :
+								token.props.args.v ? 'scaleY(-1)' :
 							style = `transform: ${transform};`;
@@ -148,12 +147,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
 						case 'font': {
 							const family =
-								token.node.props.args.serif ? 'serif' :
-								token.node.props.args.monospace ? 'monospace' :
-								token.node.props.args.cursive ? 'cursive' :
-								token.node.props.args.fantasy ? 'fantasy' :
-								token.node.props.args.emoji ? 'emoji' :
-								token.node.props.args.math ? 'math' :
+								token.props.args.serif ? 'serif' :
+								token.props.args.monospace ? 'monospace' :
+								token.props.args.cursive ? 'cursive' :
+								token.props.args.fantasy ? 'fantasy' :
+								token.props.args.emoji ? 'emoji' :
+								token.props.args.math ? 'math' :
 							if (family) style = `font-family: ${family};`;
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 					if (style == null) {
-						return h('span', {}, ['[', token.node.props.name, ...genEl(token.children), ']']);
+						return h('span', {}, ['[', token.props.name, ...genEl(token.children), ']']);
 					} else {
 						return h('span', {
 							style: 'display: inline-block;' + style,
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'url': {
 					return [h(MkUrl, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						url: token.node.props.url,
+						url: token.props.url,
 						rel: 'nofollow noopener',
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'link': {
 					return [h(MkLink, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						url: token.node.props.url,
+						url: token.props.url,
 						rel: 'nofollow noopener',
 					}, genEl(token.children))];
@@ -204,32 +203,31 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'mention': {
 					return [h(MkMention, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						host: (token.node.props.host == null && this.author && this.author.host != null ? this.author.host : token.node.props.host) || host,
-						username: token.node.props.username
+						host: (token.props.host == null && this.author && this.author.host != null ? this.author.host : token.props.host) || host,
+						username: token.props.username
 				case 'hashtag': {
 					return [h(MkA, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						to: this.isNote ? `/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.node.props.hashtag)}` : `/explore/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.node.props.hashtag)}`,
+						to: this.isNote ? `/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}` : `/explore/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}`,
 						style: 'color:var(--hashtag);'
-					}, `#${token.node.props.hashtag}`)];
+					}, `#${token.props.hashtag}`)];
 				case 'blockCode': {
 					return [h(MkCode, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						code: token.node.props.code,
-						lang: token.node.props.lang,
+						code: token.props.code,
+						lang: token.props.lang,
 				case 'inlineCode': {
 					return [h(MkCode, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						code: token.node.props.code,
-						lang: token.node.props.lang,
+						code: token.props.code,
 						inline: true
@@ -246,10 +244,19 @@ export default defineComponent({
-				case 'emoji': {
+				case 'emojiCode': {
 					return [h(MkEmoji, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						emoji: token.node.props.name ? `:${token.node.props.name}:` : token.node.props.emoji,
+						emoji: `:${token.props.name}:`,
+						customEmojis: this.customEmojis,
+						normal: this.plain
+					})];
+				}
+				case 'unicodeEmoji': {
+					return [h(MkEmoji, {
+						key: Math.random(),
+						emoji: token.props.emoji,
 						customEmojis: this.customEmojis,
 						normal: this.plain
@@ -258,7 +265,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'mathInline': {
 					return [h(MkFormula, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						formula: token.node.props.formula,
+						formula: token.props.formula,
 						block: false
@@ -266,7 +273,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'mathBlock': {
 					return [h(MkFormula, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						formula: token.node.props.formula,
+						formula: token.props.formula,
 						block: true
@@ -274,12 +281,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
 				case 'search': {
 					return [h(MkGoogle, {
 						key: Math.random(),
-						q: token.node.props.query
+						q: token.props.query
 				default: {
-					console.error('unrecognized ast type:', token.node.type);
+					console.error('unrecognized ast type:', token.type);
 					return [];
diff --git a/src/client/components/note-detailed.vue b/src/client/components/note-detailed.vue
index fb4f9502b3..5124b2a88c 100644
--- a/src/client/components/note-detailed.vue
+++ b/src/client/components/note-detailed.vue
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@
 <script lang="ts">
-import { computed, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw, ref } from 'vue';
+import { defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw } from 'vue';
 import { faSatelliteDish, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faStar, faLink, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faQuoteRight, faInfoCircle, faBiohazard, faPlug, faExclamationCircle, faPaperclip } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
 import { faCopy, faTrashAlt, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
-import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
-import { sum, unique } from '../../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { sum } from '../../prelude/array';
 import XSub from './note.sub.vue';
 import XNoteHeader from './note-header.vue';
 import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ import { userPage } from '@client/filters/user';
 import * as os from '@client/os';
 import { noteActions, noteViewInterruptors } from '@client/store';
 import { reactionPicker } from '@client/scripts/reaction-picker';
+import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-url-from-mfm';
 function markRawAll(...xs) {
 	for (const x of xs) {
@@ -252,21 +253,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		urls(): string[] {
 			if (this.appearNote.text) {
-				const ast = parse(this.appearNote.text);
-				// TODO: 再帰的にURL要素がないか調べる
-				const urls = unique(ast
-					.filter(t => ((t.node.type == 'url' || t.node.type == 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
-					.map(t => t.node.props.url));
-				// unique without hash
-				// [ http://a/#1, http://a/#2, http://b/#3 ] => [ http://a/#1, http://b/#3 ]
-				const removeHash = x => x.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '');
-				return urls.reduce((array, url) => {
-					const removed = removeHash(url);
-					if (!array.map(x => removeHash(x)).includes(removed)) array.push(url);
-					return array;
-				}, []);
+				return extractUrlFromMfm(mfm.parse(this.appearNote.text));
 			} else {
 				return null;
diff --git a/src/client/components/note.vue b/src/client/components/note.vue
index b54cadfc80..a656ffc356 100644
--- a/src/client/components/note.vue
+++ b/src/client/components/note.vue
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
 <script lang="ts">
-import { computed, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw, ref } from 'vue';
+import { defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw } from 'vue';
 import { faSatelliteDish, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faStar, faLink, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faQuoteRight, faInfoCircle, faBiohazard, faPlug, faExclamationCircle, faPaperclip } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
 import { faCopy, faTrashAlt, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
-import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
-import { sum, unique } from '../../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { sum } from '../../prelude/array';
 import XSub from './note.sub.vue';
 import XNoteHeader from './note-header.vue';
 import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ import { userPage } from '@client/filters/user';
 import * as os from '@client/os';
 import { noteActions, noteViewInterruptors } from '@client/store';
 import { reactionPicker } from '@client/scripts/reaction-picker';
+import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-url-from-mfm';
 function markRawAll(...xs) {
 	for (const x of xs) {
@@ -238,21 +239,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		urls(): string[] {
 			if (this.appearNote.text) {
-				const ast = parse(this.appearNote.text);
-				// TODO: 再帰的にURL要素がないか調べる
-				const urls = unique(ast
-					.filter(t => ((t.node.type == 'url' || t.node.type == 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
-					.map(t => t.node.props.url));
-				// unique without hash
-				// [ http://a/#1, http://a/#2, http://b/#3 ] => [ http://a/#1, http://b/#3 ]
-				const removeHash = x => x.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '');
-				return urls.reduce((array, url) => {
-					const removed = removeHash(url);
-					if (!array.map(x => removeHash(x)).includes(removed)) array.push(url);
-					return array;
-				}, []);
+				return extractUrlFromMfm(mfm.parse(this.appearNote.text));
 			} else {
 				return null;
diff --git a/src/client/components/page/page.text.vue b/src/client/components/page/page.text.vue
index 491c62be26..580c5a93bf 100644
--- a/src/client/components/page/page.text.vue
+++ b/src/client/components/page/page.text.vue
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 import { TextBlock } from '@client/scripts/hpml/block';
 import { Hpml } from '@client/scripts/hpml/evaluator';
 import { defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
-import { unique } from '../../../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-url-from-mfm';
 export default defineComponent({
 	components: {
@@ -34,11 +34,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 	computed: {
 		urls(): string[] {
 			if (this.text) {
-				const ast = parse(this.text);
-				// TODO: 再帰的にURL要素がないか調べる
-				return unique(ast
-					.filter(t => ((t.node.type == 'url' || t.node.type == 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
-					.map(t => t.node.props.url));
+				return extractUrlFromMfm(mfm.parse(this.text));
 			} else {
 				return [];
diff --git a/src/client/components/post-form.vue b/src/client/components/post-form.vue
index 7d2355c190..13e5c0f433 100644
--- a/src/client/components/post-form.vue
+++ b/src/client/components/post-form.vue
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import insertTextAtCursor from 'insert-text-at-cursor';
 import { length } from 'stringz';
 import { toASCII } from 'punycode';
 import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
-import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import { host, url } from '@client/config';
 import { erase, unique } from '../../prelude/array';
 import extractMentions from '@/misc/extract-mentions';
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		if (this.reply && this.reply.text != null) {
-			const ast = parse(this.reply.text);
+			const ast = mfm.parse(this.reply.text);
 			for (const x of extractMentions(ast)) {
 				const mention = x.host ? `@${x.username}@${toASCII(x.host)}` : `@${x.username}`;
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 					if (this.text && this.text != '') {
-						const hashtags = parse(this.text).filter(x => x.node.type === 'hashtag').map(x => x.node.props.hashtag);
+						const hashtags = mfm.parse(this.text).filter(x => x.type === 'hashtag').map(x => x.props.hashtag);
 						const history = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hashtags') || '[]') as string[];
 						localStorage.setItem('hashtags', JSON.stringify(unique(hashtags.concat(history))));
diff --git a/src/client/pages/about-misskey.vue b/src/client/pages/about-misskey.vue
index e9e2e15573..72b94968df 100644
--- a/src/client/pages/about-misskey.vue
+++ b/src/client/pages/about-misskey.vue
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 			<FormLink to="https://github.com/rinsuki" external>@rinsuki</FormLink>
 			<FormLink to="https://github.com/Xeltica" external>@Xeltica</FormLink>
 			<FormLink to="https://github.com/u1-liquid" external>@u1-liquid</FormLink>
+			<FormLink to="https://github.com/marihachi" external>@marihachi</FormLink>
 			<template #caption><MkLink url="https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/graphs/contributors">{{ $ts._aboutMisskey.allContributors }}</MkLink></template>
diff --git a/src/client/pages/messaging/messaging-room.message.vue b/src/client/pages/messaging/messaging-room.message.vue
index a6d142bd34..3755bc2b5c 100644
--- a/src/client/pages/messaging/messaging-room.message.vue
+++ b/src/client/pages/messaging/messaging-room.message.vue
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 <script lang="ts">
 import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
-import { unique } from '../../../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-url-from-mfm';
 import MkUrlPreview from '@client/components/url-preview.vue';
 import * as os from '@client/os';
@@ -60,10 +60,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		urls(): string[] {
 			if (this.message.text) {
-				const ast = parse(this.message.text);
-				return unique(ast
-					.filter(t => ((t.node.type === 'url' || t.node.type === 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
-					.map(t => t.node.props.url));
+				return extractUrlFromMfm(mfm.parse(this.message.text));
 			} else {
 				return [];
diff --git a/src/client/ui/chat/note.vue b/src/client/ui/chat/note.vue
index 4afd7989e1..f6789f214d 100644
--- a/src/client/ui/chat/note.vue
+++ b/src/client/ui/chat/note.vue
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@
 <script lang="ts">
-import { computed, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw, ref } from 'vue';
+import { defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, markRaw } from 'vue';
 import { faSatelliteDish, faBolt, faTimes, faBullhorn, faStar, faLink, faExternalLinkSquareAlt, faPlus, faMinus, faRetweet, faReply, faReplyAll, faEllipsisH, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faThumbtack, faBan, faQuoteRight, faInfoCircle, faBiohazard, faPlug, faExclamationCircle, faPaperclip } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
 import { faCopy, faTrashAlt, faEdit, faEye, faEyeSlash } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
-import { sum, unique } from '../../../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { sum } from '../../../prelude/array';
 import XSub from './note.sub.vue';
 import XNoteHeader from './note-header.vue';
 import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ import { userPage } from '@client/filters/user';
 import * as os from '@client/os';
 import { noteActions, noteViewInterruptors } from '@client/store';
 import { reactionPicker } from '@client/scripts/reaction-picker';
+import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-url-from-mfm';
 function markRawAll(...xs) {
 	for (const x of xs) {
@@ -238,21 +239,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		urls(): string[] {
 			if (this.appearNote.text) {
-				const ast = parse(this.appearNote.text);
-				// TODO: 再帰的にURL要素がないか調べる
-				const urls = unique(ast
-					.filter(t => ((t.node.type == 'url' || t.node.type == 'link') && t.node.props.url && !t.node.props.silent))
-					.map(t => t.node.props.url));
-				// unique without hash
-				// [ http://a/#1, http://a/#2, http://b/#3 ] => [ http://a/#1, http://b/#3 ]
-				const removeHash = x => x.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '');
-				return urls.reduce((array, url) => {
-					const removed = removeHash(url);
-					if (!array.map(x => removeHash(x)).includes(removed)) array.push(url);
-					return array;
-				}, []);
+				return extractUrlFromMfm(mfm.parse(this.appearNote.text));
 			} else {
 				return null;
diff --git a/src/client/ui/chat/post-form.vue b/src/client/ui/chat/post-form.vue
index 5bb1a04d58..e5f4132c4b 100644
--- a/src/client/ui/chat/post-form.vue
+++ b/src/client/ui/chat/post-form.vue
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import { faEyeSlash, faLaughSquint } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
 import insertTextAtCursor from 'insert-text-at-cursor';
 import { length } from 'stringz';
 import { toASCII } from 'punycode';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import { host, url } from '@client/config';
 import { erase, unique } from '../../../prelude/array';
 import extractMentions from '@/misc/extract-mentions';
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 		if (this.reply && this.reply.text != null) {
-			const ast = parse(this.reply.text);
+			const ast = mfm.parse(this.reply.text);
 			for (const x of extractMentions(ast)) {
 				const mention = x.host ? `@${x.username}@${toASCII(x.host)}` : `@${x.username}`;
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
 					if (this.text && this.text != '') {
-						const hashtags = parse(this.text).filter(x => x.node.type === 'hashtag').map(x => x.node.props.hashtag);
+						const hashtags = mfm.parse(this.text).filter(x => x.type === 'hashtag').map(x => x.props.hashtag);
 						const history = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hashtags') || '[]') as string[];
 						localStorage.setItem('hashtags', JSON.stringify(unique(hashtags.concat(history))));
diff --git a/src/mfm/from-html.ts b/src/mfm/from-html.ts
index 0b4f9b8945..4c8e2dbec8 100644
--- a/src/mfm/from-html.ts
+++ b/src/mfm/from-html.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import * as parse5 from 'parse5';
 import treeAdapter = require('parse5/lib/tree-adapters/default');
 import { URL } from 'url';
-import { urlRegex, urlRegexFull } from './prelude';
+const urlRegex     = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+/;
+const urlRegexFull = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+$/;
 export function fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string {
 	const dom = parse5.parseFragment(html);
diff --git a/src/mfm/language.ts b/src/mfm/language.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index bad7b10a0d..0000000000
--- a/src/mfm/language.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-import * as P from 'parsimmon';
-import { createLeaf, createTree, urlRegex } from './prelude';
-import { takeWhile, cumulativeSum } from '../prelude/array';
-import parseAcct from '@/misc/acct/parse';
-import { toUnicode } from 'punycode';
-import { emojiRegex } from '@/misc/emoji-regex';
-export function removeOrphanedBrackets(s: string): string {
-	const openBrackets = ['(', '「', '['];
-	const closeBrackets = [')', '」', ']'];
-	const xs = cumulativeSum(s.split('').map(c => {
-		if (openBrackets.includes(c)) return 1;
-		if (closeBrackets.includes(c)) return -1;
-		return 0;
-	}));
-	const firstOrphanedCloseBracket = xs.findIndex(x => x < 0);
-	if (firstOrphanedCloseBracket !== -1) return s.substr(0, firstOrphanedCloseBracket);
-	const lastMatched = xs.lastIndexOf(0);
-	return s.substr(0, lastMatched + 1);
-export const mfmLanguage = P.createLanguage({
-	root: r => P.alt(r.block, r.inline).atLeast(1),
-	plain: r => P.alt(r.emoji, r.text).atLeast(1),
-	block: r => P.alt(
-		r.quote,
-		r.search,
-		r.blockCode,
-		r.mathBlock,
-		r.center,
-	),
-	startOfLine: () => P((input, i) => {
-		if (i === 0 || input[i] === '\n' || input[i - 1] === '\n') {
-			return P.makeSuccess(i, null);
-		} else {
-			return P.makeFailure(i, 'not newline');
-		}
-	}),
-	quote: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
-		const text = input.substr(i);
-		if (!text.match(/^>[\s\S]+?/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a quote');
-		const quote = takeWhile(line => line.startsWith('>'), text.split('\n'));
-		const qInner = quote.join('\n').replace(/^>/gm, '').replace(/^ /gm, '');
-		if (qInner === '') return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a quote');
-		const contents = r.root.tryParse(qInner);
-		return P.makeSuccess(i + quote.join('\n').length + 1, createTree('quote', contents, {}));
-	})),
-	search: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
-		const text = input.substr(i);
-		const match = text.match(/^(.+?)( | )(検索|\[検索\]|Search|\[Search\])(\n|$)/i);
-		if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a search');
-		return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, createLeaf('search', { query: match[1], content: match[0].trim() }));
-	})),
-	blockCode: r => r.startOfLine.then(P((input, i) => {
-		const text = input.substr(i);
-		const match = text.match(/^```(.+?)?\n([\s\S]+?)\n```(\n|$)/i);
-		if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a blockCode');
-		return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, createLeaf('blockCode', { code: match[2], lang: match[1] ? match[1].trim() : null }));
-	})),
-	inline: r => P.alt(
-		r.big,
-		r.bold,
-		r.small,
-		r.italic,
-		r.strike,
-		r.inlineCode,
-		r.mathInline,
-		r.mention,
-		r.hashtag,
-		r.url,
-		r.link,
-		r.emoji,
-		r.fn,
-		r.text
-	),
-	// TODO: そのうち消す
-	big: r => P.regexp(/^\*\*\*([\s\S]+?)\*\*\*/, 1).map(x => createTree('fn', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {
-		name: 'tada',
-		args: {}
-	})),
-	bold: r => {
-		const asterisk = P.regexp(/\*\*([\s\S]+?)\*\*/, 1);
-		const underscore = P.regexp(/__([a-zA-Z0-9\s]+?)__/, 1);
-		return P.alt(asterisk, underscore).map(x => createTree('bold', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}));
-	},
-	small: r => P.regexp(/<small>([\s\S]+?)<\/small>/, 1).map(x => createTree('small', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {})),
-	italic: r => {
-		const xml = P.regexp(/<i>([\s\S]+?)<\/i>/, 1);
-		const underscore = P((input, i) => {
-			const text = input.substr(i);
-			const match = text.match(/^(\*|_)([a-zA-Z0-9]+?[\s\S]*?)\1/);
-			if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a italic');
-			if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1] != ' ' && input[i - 1] != '\n') return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a italic');
-			return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, match[2]);
-		});
-		return P.alt(xml, underscore).map(x => createTree('italic', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}));
-	},
-	strike: r => P.regexp(/~~([^\n~]+?)~~/, 1).map(x => createTree('strike', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {})),
-	center: r => r.startOfLine.then(P.regexp(/<center>([\s\S]+?)<\/center>/, 1).map(x => createTree('center', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x), {}))),
-	inlineCode: () => P.regexp(/`([^´\n]+?)`/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('inlineCode', { code: x })),
-	mathBlock: r => r.startOfLine.then(P.regexp(/\\\[([\s\S]+?)\\\]/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('mathBlock', { formula: x.trim() }))),
-	mathInline: () => P.regexp(/\\\((.+?)\\\)/, 1).map(x => createLeaf('mathInline', { formula: x })),
-	mention: () => {
-		return P((input, i) => {
-			const text = input.substr(i);
-			const match = text.match(/^@\w([\w-]*\w)?(?:@[\w.\-]+\w)?/);
-			if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a mention');
-			if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1].match(/[a-z0-9]/i)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a mention');
-			return P.makeSuccess(i + match[0].length, match[0]);
-		}).map(x => {
-			const { username, host } = parseAcct(x.substr(1));
-			const canonical = host != null ? `@${username}@${toUnicode(host)}` : x;
-			return createLeaf('mention', { canonical, username, host, acct: x });
-		});
-	},
-	hashtag: () => P((input, i) => {
-		const text = input.substr(i);
-		const match = text.match(/^#([^\s.,!?'"#:\/\[\]【】]+)/i);
-		if (!match) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
-		let hashtag = match[1];
-		hashtag = removeOrphanedBrackets(hashtag);
-		if (hashtag.match(/^(\u20e3|\ufe0f)/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
-		if (hashtag.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
-		if (input[i - 1] != null && input[i - 1].match(/[a-z0-9]/i)) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
-		if (Array.from(hashtag || '').length > 128) return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a hashtag');
-		return P.makeSuccess(i + ('#' + hashtag).length, createLeaf('hashtag', { hashtag: hashtag }));
-	}),
-	url: () => {
-		return P((input, i) => {
-			const text = input.substr(i);
-			const match = text.match(urlRegex);
-			let url: string;
-			if (!match) {
-				const match = text.match(/^<(https?:\/\/.*?)>/);
-				if (!match) {
-					return P.makeFailure(i, 'not a url');
-				}
-				url = match[1];
-				i += 2;
-			} else {
-				url = match[0];
-			}
-			url = removeOrphanedBrackets(url);
-			url = url.replace(/[.,]*$/, '');
-			return P.makeSuccess(i + url.length, url);
-		}).map(x => createLeaf('url', { url: x }));
-	},
-	link: r => {
-		return P.seqObj(
-			['silent', P.string('?').fallback(null).map(x => x != null)] as any,
-			P.string('['), ['text', P.regexp(/[^\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(']'),
-			P.string('('), ['url', r.url] as any, P.string(')'),
-		).map((x: any) => {
-			return createTree('link', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x.text), {
-				silent: x.silent,
-				url: x.url.node.props.url
-			});
-		});
-	},
-	emoji: () => {
-		const name = P.regexp(/:([a-z0-9_+-]+):/i, 1).map(x => createLeaf('emoji', { name: x }));
-		const code = P.regexp(emojiRegex).map(x => createLeaf('emoji', { emoji: x }));
-		return P.alt(name, code);
-	},
-	fn: r => {
-		return P.seqObj(
-			P.string('['), ['fn', P.regexp(/[^\s\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(' '), P.optWhitespace, ['text', P.regexp(/[^\n\[\]]+/)] as any, P.string(']'),
-		).map((x: any) => {
-			let name = x.fn;
-			const args = {};
-			const separator = x.fn.indexOf('.');
-			if (separator > -1) {
-				name = x.fn.substr(0, separator);
-				for (const arg of x.fn.substr(separator + 1).split(',')) {
-					const kv = arg.split('=');
-					if (kv.length === 1) {
-						args[kv[0]] = true;
-					} else {
-						args[kv[0]] = kv[1];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return createTree('fn', r.inline.atLeast(1).tryParse(x.text), {
-				name,
-				args
-			});
-		});
-	},
-	text: () => P.any.map(x => createLeaf('text', { text: x }))
diff --git a/src/mfm/normalize.ts b/src/mfm/normalize.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a0f0702096..0000000000
--- a/src/mfm/normalize.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import * as A from '../prelude/array';
-import * as S from '../prelude/string';
-import { MfmForest, MfmTree } from './prelude';
-import { createTree, createLeaf } from '../prelude/tree';
-function isEmptyTextTree(t: MfmTree): boolean {
-	return t.node.type === 'text' && t.node.props.text === '';
-function concatTextTrees(ts: MfmForest): MfmTree {
-	return createLeaf({ type: 'text', props: { text: S.concat(ts.map(x => x.node.props.text)) } });
-function concatIfTextTrees(ts: MfmForest): MfmForest {
-	return ts[0].node.type === 'text' ? [concatTextTrees(ts)] : ts;
-function concatConsecutiveTextTrees(ts: MfmForest): MfmForest {
-	const us = A.concat(A.groupOn(t => t.node.type, ts).map(concatIfTextTrees));
-	return us.map(t => createTree(t.node, concatConsecutiveTextTrees(t.children)));
-function removeEmptyTextNodes(ts: MfmForest): MfmForest {
-	return ts
-		.filter(t => !isEmptyTextTree(t))
-		.map(t => createTree(t.node, removeEmptyTextNodes(t.children)));
-export function normalize(ts: MfmForest): MfmForest {
-	return removeEmptyTextNodes(concatConsecutiveTextTrees(ts));
diff --git a/src/mfm/parse.ts b/src/mfm/parse.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c628042f12..0000000000
--- a/src/mfm/parse.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import { mfmLanguage } from './language';
-import { MfmForest } from './prelude';
-import { normalize } from './normalize';
-export function parse(source: string | null): MfmForest | null {
-	if (source == null || source === '') {
-		return null;
-	}
-	return normalize(mfmLanguage.root.tryParse(source));
-export function parsePlain(source: string | null): MfmForest | null {
-	if (source == null || source === '') {
-		return null;
-	}
-	return normalize(mfmLanguage.plain.tryParse(source));
diff --git a/src/mfm/prelude.ts b/src/mfm/prelude.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b52eb315..0000000000
--- a/src/mfm/prelude.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import { Tree } from '../prelude/tree';
-import * as T from '../prelude/tree';
-type Node<T, P> = { type: T, props: P };
-export type MentionNode = Node<'mention', {
-	canonical: string,
-	username: string,
-	host: string,
-	acct: string
-export type HashtagNode = Node<'hashtag', {
-	hashtag: string
-export type EmojiNode = Node<'emoji', {
-	name: string
-export type MfmNode =
-	MentionNode |
-	HashtagNode |
-	EmojiNode |
-	Node<string, any>;
-export type MfmTree = Tree<MfmNode>;
-export type MfmForest = MfmTree[];
-export function createLeaf(type: string, props: any): MfmTree {
-	return T.createLeaf({ type, props });
-export function createTree(type: string, children: MfmForest, props: any): MfmTree {
-	return T.createTree({ type, props }, children);
-export const urlRegex     = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+/;
-export const urlRegexFull = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+$/;
diff --git a/src/mfm/to-html.ts b/src/mfm/to-html.ts
index 66015d539f..aa39443c64 100644
--- a/src/mfm/to-html.ts
+++ b/src/mfm/to-html.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import config from '@/config';
 import { intersperse } from '../prelude/array';
-import { MfmForest, MfmTree } from './prelude';
 import { IMentionedRemoteUsers } from '../models/entities/note';
 import { wellKnownServices } from '../well-known-services';
-export function toHtml(tokens: MfmForest | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentionedRemoteUsers = []) {
-	if (tokens == null) {
+export function toHtml(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[] | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentionedRemoteUsers = []) {
+	if (nodes == null) {
 		return null;
@@ -14,95 +14,101 @@ export function toHtml(tokens: MfmForest | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentione
 	const doc = window.document;
-	function appendChildren(children: MfmForest, targetElement: any): void {
-		for (const child of children.map(t => handlers[t.node.type](t))) targetElement.appendChild(child);
+	function appendChildren(children: mfm.MfmNode[], targetElement: any): void {
+		if (children) {
+			for (const child of children.map(x => (handlers as any)[x.type](x))) targetElement.appendChild(child);
+		}
-	const handlers: { [key: string]: (token: MfmTree) => any } = {
-		bold(token) {
+	const handlers: { [K in mfm.MfmNode['type']]: (node: mfm.NodeType<K>) => any } = {
+		bold(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('b');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		small(token) {
+		small(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('small');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		strike(token) {
+		strike(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('del');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		italic(token) {
+		italic(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('i');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		fn(token) {
+		fn(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('i');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		blockCode(token) {
+		blockCode(node) {
 			const pre = doc.createElement('pre');
 			const inner = doc.createElement('code');
-			inner.textContent = token.node.props.code;
+			inner.textContent = node.props.code;
 			return pre;
-		center(token) {
+		center(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('div');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		emoji(token) {
-			return doc.createTextNode(token.node.props.emoji ? token.node.props.emoji : `\u200B:${token.node.props.name}:\u200B`);
+		emojiCode(node) {
+			return doc.createTextNode(`\u200B:${node.props.name}:\u200B`);
-		hashtag(token) {
+		unicodeEmoji(node) {
+			return doc.createTextNode(node.props.emoji);
+		},
+		hashtag(node) {
 			const a = doc.createElement('a');
-			a.href = `${config.url}/tags/${token.node.props.hashtag}`;
-			a.textContent = `#${token.node.props.hashtag}`;
+			a.href = `${config.url}/tags/${node.props.hashtag}`;
+			a.textContent = `#${node.props.hashtag}`;
 			a.setAttribute('rel', 'tag');
 			return a;
-		inlineCode(token) {
+		inlineCode(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('code');
-			el.textContent = token.node.props.code;
+			el.textContent = node.props.code;
 			return el;
-		mathInline(token) {
+		mathInline(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('code');
-			el.textContent = token.node.props.formula;
+			el.textContent = node.props.formula;
 			return el;
-		mathBlock(token) {
+		mathBlock(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('code');
-			el.textContent = token.node.props.formula;
+			el.textContent = node.props.formula;
 			return el;
-		link(token) {
+		link(node) {
 			const a = doc.createElement('a');
-			a.href = token.node.props.url;
-			appendChildren(token.children, a);
+			a.href = node.props.url;
+			appendChildren(node.children, a);
 			return a;
-		mention(token) {
+		mention(node) {
 			const a = doc.createElement('a');
-			const { username, host, acct } = token.node.props;
+			const { username, host, acct } = node.props;
 			const wellKnown = wellKnownServices.find(x => x[0] === host);
 			if (wellKnown) {
 				a.href = wellKnown[1](username);
@@ -115,39 +121,39 @@ export function toHtml(tokens: MfmForest | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentione
 			return a;
-		quote(token) {
+		quote(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('blockquote');
-			appendChildren(token.children, el);
+			appendChildren(node.children, el);
 			return el;
-		text(token) {
+		text(node) {
 			const el = doc.createElement('span');
-			const nodes = (token.node.props.text as string).split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).map(x => doc.createTextNode(x) as Node);
+			const nodes = node.props.text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).map(x => doc.createTextNode(x));
-			for (const x of intersperse<Node | 'br'>('br', nodes)) {
+			for (const x of intersperse<FIXME | 'br'>('br', nodes)) {
 				el.appendChild(x === 'br' ? doc.createElement('br') : x);
 			return el;
-		url(token) {
+		url(node) {
 			const a = doc.createElement('a');
-			a.href = token.node.props.url;
-			a.textContent = token.node.props.url;
+			a.href = node.props.url;
+			a.textContent = node.props.url;
 			return a;
-		search(token) {
+		search(node) {
 			const a = doc.createElement('a');
-			a.href = `https://www.google.com/search?q=${token.node.props.query}`;
-			a.textContent = token.node.props.content;
+			a.href = `https://www.google.com/search?q=${node.props.query}`;
+			a.textContent = node.props.content;
 			return a;
-	appendChildren(tokens, doc.body);
+	appendChildren(nodes, doc.body);
 	return `<p>${doc.body.innerHTML}</p>`;
diff --git a/src/mfm/to-string.ts b/src/mfm/to-string.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 347c94c247..0000000000
--- a/src/mfm/to-string.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import { MfmForest, MfmTree } from './prelude';
-import { nyaize } from '@/misc/nyaize';
-export type RestoreOptions = {
-	doNyaize?: boolean;
-export function toString(tokens: MfmForest | null, opts?: RestoreOptions): string {
-	if (tokens === null) return '';
-	function appendChildren(children: MfmForest, opts?: RestoreOptions): string {
-		return children.map(t => handlers[t.node.type](t, opts)).join('');
-	}
-	const handlers: { [key: string]: (token: MfmTree, opts?: RestoreOptions) => string } = {
-		bold(token, opts) {
-			return `**${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}**`;
-		},
-		small(token, opts) {
-			return `<small>${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}</small>`;
-		},
-		strike(token, opts) {
-			return `~~${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}~~`;
-		},
-		italic(token, opts) {
-			return `<i>${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}</i>`;
-		},
-		fn(token, opts) {
-			const name = token.node.props?.name;
-			const args = token.node.props?.args || {};
-			const argsStr = Object.entries(args).map(([k, v]) => v === true ? k : `${k}=${v}`).join(',');
-			return `[${name}${argsStr !== '' ? '.' + argsStr : ''} ${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}]`;
-		},
-		blockCode(token) {
-			return `\`\`\`${token.node.props.lang || ''}\n${token.node.props.code}\n\`\`\`\n`;
-		},
-		center(token, opts) {
-			return `<center>${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}</center>`;
-		},
-		emoji(token) {
-			return (token.node.props.emoji ? token.node.props.emoji : `:${token.node.props.name}:`);
-		},
-		hashtag(token) {
-			return `#${token.node.props.hashtag}`;
-		},
-		inlineCode(token) {
-			return `\`${token.node.props.code}\``;
-		},
-		mathInline(token) {
-			return `\\(${token.node.props.formula}\\)`;
-		},
-		mathBlock(token) {
-			return `\\[${token.node.props.formula}\\]`;
-		},
-		link(token, opts) {
-			if (token.node.props.silent) {
-				return `?[${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}](${token.node.props.url})`;
-			} else {
-				return `[${appendChildren(token.children, opts)}](${token.node.props.url})`;
-			}
-		},
-		mention(token) {
-			return token.node.props.canonical;
-		},
-		quote(token) {
-			return `${appendChildren(token.children, {doNyaize: false}).replace(/^/gm,'>').trim()}\n`;
-		},
-		text(token, opts) {
-			return (opts && opts.doNyaize) ? nyaize(token.node.props.text) : token.node.props.text;
-		},
-		url(token) {
-			return `<${token.node.props.url}>`;
-		},
-		search(token, opts) {
-			const query = token.node.props.query;
-			return `${(opts && opts.doNyaize ? nyaize(query) : query)} [search]\n`;
-		}
-	};
-	return appendChildren(tokens, { doNyaize: (opts && opts.doNyaize) || false }).trim();
diff --git a/src/misc/extract-custom-emojis-from-mfm.ts b/src/misc/extract-custom-emojis-from-mfm.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1477a79f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/extract-custom-emojis-from-mfm.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { unique } from '@/prelude/array';
+export function extractCustomEmojisFromMfm(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]): string[] {
+	const emojiNodes = [] as mfm.MfmEmojiCode[];
+	function scan(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]) {
+		for (const node of nodes) {
+			if (node.type === 'emojiCode') emojiNodes.push(node);
+			else if (node.children) scan(node.children);
+		}
+	}
+	scan(nodes);
+	const emojis = emojiNodes.filter(x => x.props.name.length <= 100).map(x => x.props.name!);
+	return unique(emojis);
diff --git a/src/misc/extract-emojis.ts b/src/misc/extract-emojis.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c57e9a8aa..0000000000
--- a/src/misc/extract-emojis.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import { EmojiNode, MfmForest } from '../mfm/prelude';
-import { preorderF } from '../prelude/tree';
-import { unique } from '../prelude/array';
-export default function(mfmForest: MfmForest): string[] {
-	const emojiNodes = preorderF(mfmForest).filter(x => x.type === 'emoji') as EmojiNode[];
-	const emojis = emojiNodes.filter(x => x.props.name && x.props.name.length <= 100).map(x => x.props.name);
-	return unique(emojis);
diff --git a/src/misc/extract-hashtags.ts b/src/misc/extract-hashtags.ts
index 36b2296a76..9961755ccd 100644
--- a/src/misc/extract-hashtags.ts
+++ b/src/misc/extract-hashtags.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-import { HashtagNode, MfmForest } from '../mfm/prelude';
-import { preorderF } from '../prelude/tree';
-import { unique } from '../prelude/array';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { unique } from '@/prelude/array';
+export default function(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]): string[] {
+	const hashtagNodes = [] as mfm.MfmHashtag[];
+	function scan(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]) {
+		for (const node of nodes) {
+			if (node.type === 'hashtag') hashtagNodes.push(node);
+			else if (node.children) scan(node.children);
+		}
+	}
+	scan(nodes);
-export default function(mfmForest: MfmForest): string[] {
-	const hashtagNodes = preorderF(mfmForest).filter(x => x.type === 'hashtag') as HashtagNode[];
 	const hashtags = hashtagNodes.map(x => x.props.hashtag);
 	return unique(hashtags);
diff --git a/src/misc/extract-mentions.ts b/src/misc/extract-mentions.ts
index 72330d31e1..a9d4b378f3 100644
--- a/src/misc/extract-mentions.ts
+++ b/src/misc/extract-mentions.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
 // test is located in test/extract-mentions
-import { MentionNode, MfmForest } from '../mfm/prelude';
-import { preorderF } from '../prelude/tree';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
-export default function(mfmForest: MfmForest): MentionNode['props'][] {
+export default function(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]): mfm.MfmMention['props'][] {
 	// TODO: 重複を削除
-	const mentionNodes = preorderF(mfmForest).filter(x => x.type === 'mention') as MentionNode[];
+	const mentionNodes = [] as mfm.MfmMention[];
+	function scan(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]) {
+		for (const node of nodes) {
+			if (node.type === 'mention') mentionNodes.push(node);
+			else if (node.children) scan(node.children);
+		}
+	}
+	scan(nodes);
 	return mentionNodes.map(x => x.props);
diff --git a/src/misc/extract-url-from-mfm.ts b/src/misc/extract-url-from-mfm.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa7f5f2540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc/extract-url-from-mfm.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
+import { unique } from '@/prelude/array';
+// unique without hash
+// [ http://a/#1, http://a/#2, http://b/#3 ] => [ http://a/#1, http://b/#3 ]
+const removeHash = (x: string) => x.replace(/#[^#]*$/, '');
+export function extractUrlFromMfm(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[], respectSilentFlag = true): string[] {
+	const urlNodes = [] as (mfm.MfmUrl | mfm.MfmLink)[];
+	function scan(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[]) {
+		for (const node of nodes) {
+			if (node.type === 'url') {
+				urlNodes.push(node);
+			} else if (node.type === 'link') {
+				if (!respectSilentFlag || !node.props.silent) {
+					urlNodes.push(node);
+				}
+			} else if (node.children) {
+				scan(node.children);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	scan(nodes);
+	const urls = unique(urlNodes.map(x => x.props.url));
+	return urls.reduce((array, url) => {
+		const removed = removeHash(url);
+		if (!array.map(x => removeHash(x)).includes(removed)) array.push(url);
+		return array;
+	}, [] as string[]);
diff --git a/src/models/repositories/note.ts b/src/models/repositories/note.ts
index 3642a03c2c..cdf4841918 100644
--- a/src/models/repositories/note.ts
+++ b/src/models/repositories/note.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 import { EntityRepository, Repository, In } from 'typeorm';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import { Note } from '../entities/note';
 import { User } from '../entities/user';
 import { Users, PollVotes, DriveFiles, NoteReactions, Followings, Polls, Channels } from '..';
 import { SchemaType } from '@/misc/schema';
+import { nyaize } from '@/misc/nyaize';
 import { awaitAll } from '../../prelude/await-all';
 import { convertLegacyReaction, convertLegacyReactions, decodeReaction } from '@/misc/reaction-lib';
-import { toString } from '../../mfm/to-string';
-import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
 import { NoteReaction } from '../entities/note-reaction';
 import { aggregateNoteEmojis, populateEmojis, prefetchEmojis } from '@/misc/populate-emojis';
@@ -223,8 +223,13 @@ export class NoteRepository extends Repository<Note> {
 		if (packed.user.isCat && packed.text) {
-			const tokens = packed.text ? parse(packed.text) : [];
-			packed.text = toString(tokens, { doNyaize: true });
+			const tokens = packed.text ? mfm.parse(packed.text) : [];
+			mfm.inspect(tokens, node => {
+				if (node.type === 'text') {
+					node.props.text = nyaize(node.props.text);
+				}
+			});
+			packed.text = mfm.toString(tokens);
 		if (!opts.skipHide) {
diff --git a/src/prelude/tree.ts b/src/prelude/tree.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 519234a0b0..0000000000
--- a/src/prelude/tree.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import { concat, sum } from './array';
-export type Tree<T> = {
-	node: T,
-	children: Forest<T>;
-export type Forest<T> = Tree<T>[];
-export function createLeaf<T>(node: T): Tree<T> {
-	return { node, children: [] };
-export function createTree<T>(node: T, children: Forest<T>): Tree<T> {
-	return { node, children };
-export function hasChildren<T>(t: Tree<T>): boolean {
-	return t.children.length !== 0;
-export function preorder<T>(t: Tree<T>): T[] {
-	return [t.node, ...preorderF(t.children)];
-export function preorderF<T>(ts: Forest<T>): T[] {
-	return concat(ts.map(preorder));
-export function countNodes<T>(t: Tree<T>): number {
-	return preorder(t).length;
-export function countNodesF<T>(ts: Forest<T>): number {
-	return sum(ts.map(countNodes));
diff --git a/src/remote/activitypub/misc/get-note-html.ts b/src/remote/activitypub/misc/get-note-html.ts
index 6990a4ae5e..683860d9cc 100644
--- a/src/remote/activitypub/misc/get-note-html.ts
+++ b/src/remote/activitypub/misc/get-note-html.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import { Note } from '../../../models/entities/note';
 import { toHtml } from '../../../mfm/to-html';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
 export default function(note: Note) {
-	let html = toHtml(parse(note.text), JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers));
+	let html = note.text ? toHtml(mfm.parse(note.text), JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers)) : null;
 	if (html == null) html = '<p>.</p>';
 	return html;
diff --git a/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/person.ts b/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/person.ts
index e4e8f24f10..91b91bff92 100644
--- a/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/person.ts
+++ b/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/person.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 import { URL } from 'url';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import renderImage from './image';
 import renderKey from './key';
 import config from '@/config';
 import { ILocalUser } from '../../../models/entities/user';
 import { toHtml } from '../../../mfm/to-html';
-import { parse } from '../../../mfm/parse';
 import { getEmojis } from './note';
 import renderEmoji from './emoji';
 import { IIdentifier } from '../models/identifier';
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export async function renderPerson(user: ILocalUser) {
 		url: `${config.url}/@${user.username}`,
 		preferredUsername: user.username,
 		name: user.name,
-		summary: toHtml(parse(profile.description)),
+		summary: profile.description ? toHtml(mfm.parse(profile.description)) : null,
 		icon: avatar ? renderImage(avatar) : null,
 		image: banner ? renderImage(banner) : null,
diff --git a/src/server/api/endpoints/i/update.ts b/src/server/api/endpoints/i/update.ts
index 0554fe76fb..2c20da41c5 100644
--- a/src/server/api/endpoints/i/update.ts
+++ b/src/server/api/endpoints/i/update.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 import $ from 'cafy';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import { ID } from '@/misc/cafy-id';
 import { publishMainStream, publishUserEvent } from '../../../../services/stream';
 import acceptAllFollowRequests from '../../../../services/following/requests/accept-all';
 import { publishToFollowers } from '../../../../services/i/update';
 import define from '../../define';
-import { parse, parsePlain } from '../../../../mfm/parse';
-import extractEmojis from '@/misc/extract-emojis';
+import { extractCustomEmojisFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-custom-emojis-from-mfm';
 import extractHashtags from '@/misc/extract-hashtags';
 import * as langmap from 'langmap';
 import { updateUsertags } from '../../../../services/update-hashtag';
@@ -291,13 +291,13 @@ export default define(meta, async (ps, _user, token) => {
 	const newDescription = profileUpdates.description === undefined ? profile.description : profileUpdates.description;
 	if (newName != null) {
-		const tokens = parsePlain(newName);
-		emojis = emojis.concat(extractEmojis(tokens!));
+		const tokens = mfm.parsePlain(newName);
+		emojis = emojis.concat(extractCustomEmojisFromMfm(tokens!));
 	if (newDescription != null) {
-		const tokens = parse(newDescription);
-		emojis = emojis.concat(extractEmojis(tokens!));
+		const tokens = mfm.parse(newDescription);
+		emojis = emojis.concat(extractCustomEmojisFromMfm(tokens!));
 		tags = extractHashtags(tokens!).map(tag => normalizeForSearch(tag)).splice(0, 32);
diff --git a/src/services/note/create.ts b/src/services/note/create.ts
index 64d5513ecc..125285f34a 100644
--- a/src/services/note/create.ts
+++ b/src/services/note/create.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
 import es from '../../db/elasticsearch';
 import { publishMainStream, publishNotesStream } from '../stream';
 import DeliverManager from '../../remote/activitypub/deliver-manager';
@@ -5,7 +6,6 @@ import renderNote from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/note';
 import renderCreate from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/create';
 import renderAnnounce from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/announce';
 import { renderActivity } from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer';
-import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
 import { resolveUser } from '../../remote/resolve-user';
 import config from '@/config';
 import { updateHashtags } from '../update-hashtag';
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { concat } from '../../prelude/array';
 import insertNoteUnread from './unread';
 import { registerOrFetchInstanceDoc } from '../register-or-fetch-instance-doc';
 import extractMentions from '@/misc/extract-mentions';
-import extractEmojis from '@/misc/extract-emojis';
+import { extractCustomEmojisFromMfm } from '@/misc/extract-custom-emojis-from-mfm';
 import extractHashtags from '@/misc/extract-hashtags';
 import { Note, IMentionedRemoteUsers } from '../../models/entities/note';
 import { Mutings, Users, NoteWatchings, Notes, Instances, UserProfiles, Antennas, Followings, MutedNotes, Channels, ChannelFollowings } from '../../models';
@@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ export default async (user: { id: User['id']; username: User['username']; host:
 	// Parse MFM if needed
 	if (!tags || !emojis || !mentionedUsers) {
-		const tokens = data.text ? parse(data.text)! : [];
-		const cwTokens = data.cw ? parse(data.cw)! : [];
+		const tokens = data.text ? mfm.parse(data.text)! : [];
+		const cwTokens = data.cw ? mfm.parse(data.cw)! : [];
 		const choiceTokens = data.poll && data.poll.choices
-			? concat(data.poll.choices.map(choice => parse(choice)!))
+			? concat(data.poll.choices.map(choice => mfm.parse(choice)!))
 			: [];
 		const combinedTokens = tokens.concat(cwTokens).concat(choiceTokens);
 		tags = data.apHashtags || extractHashtags(combinedTokens);
-		emojis = data.apEmojis || extractEmojis(combinedTokens);
+		emojis = data.apEmojis || extractCustomEmojisFromMfm(combinedTokens);
 		mentionedUsers = data.apMentions || await extractMentionedUsers(user, combinedTokens);
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ function incNotesCountOfUser(user: { id: User['id']; }) {
-async function extractMentionedUsers(user: { host: User['host']; }, tokens: ReturnType<typeof parse>): Promise<User[]> {
+async function extractMentionedUsers(user: { host: User['host']; }, tokens: mfm.MfmNode[]): Promise<User[]> {
 	if (tokens == null) return [];
 	const mentions = extractMentions(tokens);
diff --git a/test/extract-mentions.ts b/test/extract-mentions.ts
index 00f736ae1c..68b59f7f55 100644
--- a/test/extract-mentions.ts
+++ b/test/extract-mentions.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import * as assert from 'assert';
 import extractMentions from '../src/misc/extract-mentions';
-import { parse } from '../src/mfm/parse';
+import { parse } from 'mfm-js';
 describe('Extract mentions', () => {
 	it('simple', () => {
@@ -10,17 +10,14 @@ describe('Extract mentions', () => {
 		assert.deepStrictEqual(mentions, [{
 			username: 'foo',
 			acct: '@foo',
-			canonical: '@foo',
 			host: null
 		}, {
 			username: 'bar',
 			acct: '@bar',
-			canonical: '@bar',
 			host: null
 		}, {
 			username: 'baz',
 			acct: '@baz',
-			canonical: '@baz',
 			host: null
@@ -31,17 +28,14 @@ describe('Extract mentions', () => {
 		assert.deepStrictEqual(mentions, [{
 			username: 'foo',
 			acct: '@foo',
-			canonical: '@foo',
 			host: null
 		}, {
 			username: 'bar',
 			acct: '@bar',
-			canonical: '@bar',
 			host: null
 		}, {
 			username: 'baz',
 			acct: '@baz',
-			canonical: '@baz',
 			host: null
diff --git a/test/mfm.ts b/test/mfm.ts
index 0a120f96e1..3f997878b5 100644
--- a/test/mfm.ts
+++ b/test/mfm.ts
@@ -9,1152 +9,22 @@
 import * as assert from 'assert';
+import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
-import { parse, parsePlain } from '../src/mfm/parse';
 import { toHtml } from '../src/mfm/to-html';
 import { fromHtml } from '../src/mfm/from-html';
-import { toString } from '../src/mfm/to-string';
-import { createTree as tree, createLeaf as leaf, MfmTree } from '../src/mfm/prelude';
-import { removeOrphanedBrackets } from '../src/mfm/language';
-function text(text: string): MfmTree {
-	return leaf('text', { text });
-describe('createLeaf', () => {
-	it('creates leaf', () => {
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(leaf('text', { text: 'abc' }), {
-			node: {
-				type: 'text',
-				props: {
-					text: 'abc'
-				}
-			},
-			children: [],
-		});
-	});
-describe('createTree', () => {
-	it('creates tree', () => {
-		const t = tree('tree', [
-			leaf('left', { a: 2 }),
-			leaf('right', { b: 'hi' })
-		], {
-				c: 4
-			});
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(t, {
-			node: {
-				type: 'tree',
-				props: {
-					c: 4
-				}
-			},
-			children: [
-				leaf('left', { a: 2 }),
-				leaf('right', { b: 'hi' })
-			],
-		});
-	});
-describe('removeOrphanedBrackets', () => {
-	it('single (contained)', () => {
-		const input = '(foo)';
-		const expected = '(foo)';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
+describe('toHtml', () => {
+	it('br', () => {
+		const input = 'foo\nbar\nbaz';
+		const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>';
+		assert.equal(toHtml(mfm.parse(input)), output);
-	it('single (head)', () => {
-		const input = '(foo)bar';
-		const expected = '(foo)bar';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('single (tail)', () => {
-		const input = 'foo(bar)';
-		const expected = 'foo(bar)';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('a', () => {
-		const input = '(foo';
-		const expected = '';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('b', () => {
-		const input = ')foo';
-		const expected = '';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('nested', () => {
-		const input = 'foo(「(bar)」)';
-		const expected = 'foo(「(bar)」)';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('no brackets', () => {
-		const input = 'foo';
-		const expected = 'foo';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('with foreign bracket (single)', () => {
-		const input = 'foo(bar))';
-		const expected = 'foo(bar)';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('with foreign bracket (open)', () => {
-		const input = 'foo(bar';
-		const expected = 'foo';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('with foreign bracket (close)', () => {
-		const input = 'foo)bar';
-		const expected = 'foo';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('with foreign bracket (close and open)', () => {
-		const input = 'foo)(bar';
-		const expected = 'foo';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('various bracket type', () => {
-		const input = 'foo「(bar)」(';
-		const expected = 'foo「(bar)」';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-	it('intersected', () => {
-		const input = 'foo(「)」';
-		const expected = 'foo(「)」';
-		const actual = removeOrphanedBrackets(input);
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
-	});
-describe('MFM', () => {
-	it('can be analyzed', () => {
-		const tokens = parse('@himawari @hima_sub@namori.net お腹ペコい :cat: #yryr');
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-			leaf('mention', {
-				acct: '@himawari',
-				canonical: '@himawari',
-				username: 'himawari',
-				host: null
-			}),
-			text(' '),
-			leaf('mention', {
-				acct: '@hima_sub@namori.net',
-				canonical: '@hima_sub@namori.net',
-				username: 'hima_sub',
-				host: 'namori.net'
-			}),
-			text(' お腹ペコい '),
-			leaf('emoji', { name: 'cat' }),
-			text(' '),
-			leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'yryr' }),
-		]);
-	});
-	describe('elements', () => {
-		describe('bold', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('**foo**');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('bold', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with other texts', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('bar**foo**bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('bar'),
-					tree('bold', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('bar'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with underscores', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('__foo__');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('bold', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with underscores (ensure it allows alphabet only)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('(=^・__________・^=)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('(=^・__________・^=)')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('mixed syntax', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('**foo__');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-						text('**foo__'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('mixed syntax', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('__foo**');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-						text('__foo**'),
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		it('small', () => {
-			const tokens = parse('<small>smaller</small>');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				tree('small', [
-					text('smaller')
-				], {}),
-			]);
-		});
-		describe('mention', () => {
-			it('local', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('@himawari foo');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@himawari',
-						canonical: '@himawari',
-						username: 'himawari',
-						host: null
-					}),
-					text(' foo')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('remote', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('@hima_sub@namori.net foo');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@hima_sub@namori.net',
-						canonical: '@hima_sub@namori.net',
-						username: 'hima_sub',
-						host: 'namori.net'
-					}),
-					text(' foo')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('remote punycode', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('@hima_sub@xn--q9j5bya.xn--zckzah foo');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@hima_sub@xn--q9j5bya.xn--zckzah',
-						canonical: '@hima_sub@なもり.テスト',
-						username: 'hima_sub',
-						host: 'xn--q9j5bya.xn--zckzah'
-					}),
-					text(' foo')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('idolm@ster');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('idolm@ster')
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('@a\n@b\n@c');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@a',
-						canonical: '@a',
-						username: 'a',
-						host: null
-					}),
-					text('\n'),
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@b',
-						canonical: '@b',
-						username: 'b',
-						host: null
-					}),
-					text('\n'),
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@c',
-						canonical: '@c',
-						username: 'c',
-						host: null
-					})
-				]);
-				const tokens3 = parse('**x**@a');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens3, [
-					tree('bold', [
-						text('x')
-					], {}),
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@a',
-						canonical: '@a',
-						username: 'a',
-						host: null
-					})
-				]);
-				const tokens4 = parse('@\n@v\n@veryverylongusername');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens4, [
-					text('@\n'),
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@v',
-						canonical: '@v',
-						username: 'v',
-						host: null
-					}),
-					text('\n'),
-					leaf('mention', {
-						acct: '@veryverylongusername',
-						canonical: '@veryverylongusername',
-						username: 'veryverylongusername',
-						host: null
-					}),
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('hashtag', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#alice');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'alice' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('after line break', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo\n#alice');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo\n'),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'alice' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with text', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('Strawberry Pasta #alice');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('Strawberry Pasta '),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'alice' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with text (zenkaku)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('こんにちは#世界');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('こんにちは'),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: '世界' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore comma and period', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('Foo #bar, baz #piyo.');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('Foo '),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'bar' }),
-					text(', baz '),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'piyo' }),
-					text('.'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore exclamation mark', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#Foo!');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'Foo' }),
-					text('!'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore colon', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#Foo:');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'Foo' }),
-					text(':'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore single quote', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo\'');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('\''),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore double quote', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo"');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('"'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore square brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo]');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text(']'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore 】', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo】');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('】'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('allow including number', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo123');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo123' }),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with brackets', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('(#foo)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					text('('),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text(')'),
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('「#foo」');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					text('「'),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('」'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with mixed brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('「#foo(bar)」');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('「'),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo(bar)' }),
-					text('」'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with brackets (space before)', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('(bar #foo)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					text('(bar '),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text(')'),
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('「bar #foo」');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					text('「bar '),
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('」'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('disallow number only', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#123');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('#123'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('disallow number only (with brackets)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('(#123)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('(#123)'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore slash', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#foo/bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('hashtag', { hashtag: 'foo' }),
-					text('/bar'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore Keycap Number Sign (U+0023 + U+20E3)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#⃣');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('emoji', { emoji: '#⃣' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore Keycap Number Sign (U+0023 + U+FE0F + U+20E3)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('#️⃣');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('emoji', { emoji: '#️⃣' })
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('quote', () => {
-			it('basic', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('> foo');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {})
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('>foo');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {})
-				]);
-			});
-			it('series', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('> foo\n\n> bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('\n'),
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('bar')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('trailing line break', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('> foo\n');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('> foo\n\n');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('\n')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('multiline', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('>foo\n>bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo\nbar')
-					], {})
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('> foo\n> bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo\nbar')
-					], {})
-				]);
-			});
-			it('multiline with trailing line break', () => {
-				const tokens1 = parse('> foo\n> bar\n');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo\nbar')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-				const tokens2 = parse('> foo\n> bar\n\n');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo\nbar')
-					], {}),
-					text('\n')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with before and after texts', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('before\n> foo\nafter');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('before\n'),
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('after'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('multiple quotes', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('> foo\nbar\n\n> foo\nbar\n\n> foo\nbar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('bar\n\n'),
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('bar\n\n'),
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-					text('bar'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('require line break before ">"', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo>bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo>bar'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('nested', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('>> foo\n> bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('quote', [
-						tree('quote', [
-							text('foo')
-						], {}),
-						text('bar')
-					], {})
-				]);
-			});
-			it('trim line breaks', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo\n\n>a\n>>b\n>>\n>>>\n>>>c\n>>>\n>d\n\n');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo\n\n'),
-					tree('quote', [
-						text('a\n'),
-						tree('quote', [
-							text('b\n\n'),
-							tree('quote', [
-								text('\nc\n')
-							], {})
-						], {}),
-						text('d')
-					], {}),
-					text('\n'),
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('url', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore trailing period', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com.');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com' }),
-					text('.')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore trailing periods', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com...');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com' }),
-					text('...')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with comma', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com/foo?bar=a,b');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo?bar=a,b' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore trailing comma', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com/foo, bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo' }),
-					text(', bar')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://example.com/foo(bar)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo(bar)' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore parent brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('(https://example.com/foo)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('('),
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo' }),
-					text(')')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore parent []', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo [https://example.com/foo] bar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo ['),
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo' }),
-					text('] bar')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore parent brackets 2', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('(foo https://example.com/foo)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('(foo '),
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo' }),
-					text(')')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore parent brackets with internal brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('(https://example.com/foo(bar))');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('('),
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://example.com/foo(bar)' }),
-					text(')')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore non-ascii characters contained url without angle brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('https://大石泉すき.example.com');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('https://大石泉すき.example.com')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('match non-ascii characters contained url with angle brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('<https://大石泉すき.example.com>');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('url', { url: 'https://大石泉すき.example.com' })
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('link', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('[foo](https://example.com)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('link', [
-						text('foo')
-					], { url: 'https://example.com', silent: false })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('simple (with silent flag)', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('?[foo](https://example.com)');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('link', [
-						text('foo')
-					], { url: 'https://example.com', silent: true })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('in text', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('before[foo](https://example.com)after');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('before'),
-					tree('link', [
-						text('foo')
-					], { url: 'https://example.com', silent: false }),
-					text('after'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('[foo](https://example.com/foo(bar))');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('link', [
-						text('foo')
-					], { url: 'https://example.com/foo(bar)', silent: false })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('with parent brackets', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('([foo](https://example.com/foo(bar)))');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('('),
-					tree('link', [
-						text('foo')
-					], { url: 'https://example.com/foo(bar)', silent: false }),
-					text(')')
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		it('emoji', () => {
-			const tokens1 = parse(':cat:');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'cat' })
-			]);
-			const tokens2 = parse(':cat::cat::cat:');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'cat' }),
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'cat' }),
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'cat' })
-			]);
-			const tokens3 = parse('🍎');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens3, [
-				leaf('emoji', { emoji: '🍎' })
-			]);
-		});
-		describe('block code', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('```\nvar x = "Strawberry Pasta";\n```');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'var x = "Strawberry Pasta";', lang: null })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('can specify language', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('``` json\n{ "x": 42 }\n```');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: '{ "x": 42 }', lang: 'json' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('require line break before "```"', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('before```\nfoo\n```');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('before'),
-					leaf('inlineCode', { code: '`' }),
-					text('\nfoo\n'),
-					leaf('inlineCode', { code: '`' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('series', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('```\nfoo\n```\n```\nbar\n```\n```\nbaz\n```');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'foo', lang: null }),
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'bar', lang: null }),
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'baz', lang: null }),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore internal marker', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('```\naaa```bbb\n```');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'aaa```bbb', lang: null })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('trim after line break', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('```\nfoo\n```\nbar');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('blockCode', { code: 'foo', lang: null }),
-					text('bar')
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('inline code', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('`var x = "Strawberry Pasta";`');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('inlineCode', { code: 'var x = "Strawberry Pasta";' })
-				]);
-			});
-			it('disallow line break', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('`foo\nbar`');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('`foo\nbar`')
-				]);
-			});
-			it('disallow ´', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('`foo´bar`');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('`foo´bar`')
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		it('mathInline', () => {
-			const fomula = 'x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}';
-			const content = `\\(${fomula}\\)`;
-			const tokens = parse(content);
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				leaf('mathInline', { formula: fomula })
-			]);
-		});
-		describe('mathBlock', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const fomula = 'x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}';
-				const content = `\\[\n${fomula}\n\\]`;
-				const tokens = parse(content);
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					leaf('mathBlock', { formula: fomula })
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		it('search', () => {
-			const tokens1 = parse('a b c 検索');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens1, [
-				leaf('search', { content: 'a b c 検索', query: 'a b c' })
-			]);
-			const tokens2 = parse('a b c Search');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens2, [
-				leaf('search', { content: 'a b c Search', query: 'a b c' })
-			]);
-			const tokens3 = parse('a b c search');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens3, [
-				leaf('search', { content: 'a b c search', query: 'a b c' })
-			]);
-			const tokens4 = parse('a b c SEARCH');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens4, [
-				leaf('search', { content: 'a b c SEARCH', query: 'a b c' })
-			]);
-		});
-		describe('center', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('<center>foo</center>');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('center', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('strike', () => {
-			it('simple', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('~~foo~~');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('strike', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			// https://misskey.io/notes/7u1kv5dmia
-			it('ignore internal tilde', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('~~~~~');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('~~~~~')
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-		describe('italic', () => {
-			it('<i>', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('<i>foo</i>');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('italic', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('underscore', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('_foo_');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('italic', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('simple with asterix', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('*foo*');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					tree('italic', [
-						text('foo')
-					], {}),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('exlude emotes', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('*.*');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('*.*'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('mixed', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('_foo*');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('_foo*'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('mixed', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('*foo_');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('*foo_'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('ignore snake_case string', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo_bar_baz');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo_bar_baz'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('require spaces', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('4日目_L38b a_b');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('4日目_L38b a_b'),
-				]);
-			});
-			it('newline sandwich', () => {
-				const tokens = parse('foo\n_bar_\nbaz');
-				assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-					text('foo\n'),
-					tree('italic', [
-						text('bar')
-					], {}),
-					text('\nbaz'),
-				]);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('plainText', () => {
-		it('text', () => {
-			const tokens = parsePlain('foo');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				text('foo'),
-			]);
-		});
-		it('emoji', () => {
-			const tokens = parsePlain(':foo:');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'foo' })
-			]);
-		});
-		it('emoji in text', () => {
-			const tokens = parsePlain('foo:bar:baz');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				text('foo'),
-				leaf('emoji', { name: 'bar' }),
-				text('baz'),
-			]);
-		});
-		it('disallow other syntax', () => {
-			const tokens = parsePlain('foo **bar** baz');
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-				text('foo **bar** baz'),
-			]);
-		});
-	});
-	describe('toHtml', () => {
-		it('br', () => {
-			const input = 'foo\nbar\nbaz';
-			const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>';
-			assert.equal(toHtml(parse(input)), output);
-		});
-		it('br alt', () => {
-			const input = 'foo\r\nbar\rbaz';
-			const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>';
-			assert.equal(toHtml(parse(input)), output);
-		});
-	});
-	it('code block with quote', () => {
-		const tokens = parse('> foo\n```\nbar\n```');
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-			tree('quote', [
-				text('foo')
-			], {}),
-			leaf('blockCode', { code: 'bar', lang: null })
-		]);
-	});
-	it('quote between two code blocks', () => {
-		const tokens = parse('```\nbefore\n```\n> foo\n```\nafter\n```');
-		assert.deepStrictEqual(tokens, [
-			leaf('blockCode', { code: 'before', lang: null }),
-			tree('quote', [
-				text('foo')
-			], {}),
-			leaf('blockCode', { code: 'after', lang: null })
-		]);
-	});
-	describe('toString', () => {
-		it('太字', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('**太字**')), '**太字**');
-		});
-		it('中央揃え', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('<center>中央揃え</center>')), '<center>中央揃え</center>');
-		});
-		it('打ち消し線', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('~~打ち消し線~~')), '~~打ち消し線~~');
-		});
-		it('小さい字', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('<small>小さい字</small>')), '<small>小さい字</small>');
-		});
-		it('コードブロック', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('```\nコードブロック\n```')), '```\nコードブロック\n```');
-		});
-		it('インラインコード', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('`インラインコード`')), '`インラインコード`');
-		});
-		it('引用行', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('>引用行')), '>引用行');
-		});
-		it('検索', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('検索 [search]')), '検索 [search]');
-		});
-		it('リンク', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('[リンク](http://example.com)')), '[リンク](http://example.com)');
-		});
-		it('詳細なしリンク', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('?[詳細なしリンク](http://example.com)')), '?[詳細なしリンク](http://example.com)');
-		});
-		it('インライン数式', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('\\(インライン数式\\)')), '\\(インライン数式\\)');
-		});
-		it('ブロック数式', () => {
-			assert.deepStrictEqual(toString(parse('\\\[\nブロック数式\n\]\\')), '\\\[\nブロック数式\n\]\\');
-		});
+	it('br alt', () => {
+		const input = 'foo\r\nbar\rbaz';
+		const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>';
+		assert.equal(toHtml(mfm.parse(input)), output);
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